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Group Family Sunset Dinner Beachfront Bali - Kiddy Play


Being in Bali, having Sunset dinner beachfront at the restaurant with a group family in Jimbaran Bali is still an option. As well as to enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Sunsets, beach for kiddy play, loads of cheap and cheerful restaurants, and some of the best barbequed seafood on the island…those in the Bukit should make a plan to hit up this fun spot for family grub feasts!

While a tad bit touristy, it’s still worth a trip and tango as the food is great (and cheap) and the kids will keep busy on the beach while mom & pop sip beers and enjoy incredible views. Dinner is simple…barbequed seafood all around! You pick your fish and they cook it up. You can even sneak through the kitchen in the back to view all the folks grilling it up (beware of major smoke fest but rather fun to see the production).

Sunset Dinner Beachfront Jimbaran Bali

The Island of the Gods is not only known for its beautiful natural scenery and thick culture. The island is also famous for having a taste of food that spoils the tongues of culinary adventurers. One of them is the sea fish (seafood) menu.

Regarding seafood in Bali, of course Jimbaran which is located in South Kuta District, Badung Regency is the winner. In the afternoon until evening, Jimbaran tourist attractions are crowded with tourists, both foreign and domestic tourists.

In this area there are many restaurants on the beach that serve a variety of appetizing seafood menus. It is said to be a winner because the seafood served is fresh, caught from the sea by local fishermen. The freshness of the ingredients is combined with delicious Balinese processed special spices.


Previously, Jimbaran was known as a fishing village. Therefore, the place is one of the locations to get various types of sea fish.

Along with the rapid development of tourism in Bali, Jimbaran has become one of the favorite tourist destinations because of its beautiful beach panoramas and is supported by seafood culinary delights.

Most of the visitors who come to Jimbaran, apart from looking for Balinese seafood, are also looking for a fantastic sunset.

The romantic atmosphere of sunset views while eating delicious seafood, combined with the sound of waves crashing on the beach with white sand, is an extraordinary experience when having dinner at Jimbaran.

The seafood menu served at the venue includes seafood, squid, clams, lobster, crab and shrimp. Cooking can be baked or fried. The seafood is served with warm rice, Balinese plecing kangkung, sambal, complete with young coconut ice, mineral water and fresh fruit.

Visitors are free to determine how many fish they want. Usually, before being processed, the restaurant manager will calculate the gram per gram of each type of seafood you want.

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Jimbaran sunset dinner beachfront fresh seafood BBQ and get discunt untill 15% off for all varian menu. Jimbaran is a fishing village and coastal resort south of Kuta on the Indonesian island of Bali. Jimbaran Bay has a long beach with calm waters. It's lined with fish restaurants and backed by tropical forest.

Enjoy dinner savoring fresh seafood while witnessing the majestic sunset by the Jimbaran Bay. Our Restaurant located on the beautiful coast of Jimbaran and watch the spectacular Balinese sunset.
Be in awe as the sun turns the landscape into a stunning crimson-orange. Perfect for romantic dates or family occasions, this experience will surely make you fall for Bali's beauty.

Jimbaran sunset dinner beachfront fresh seafood BBQ at Jimbaran is one of the most popular places to enjoy culinary tourism, especially for dinner with grilled fish menu in Bali.

How not a set dinner menu package is provided very complete, the price offered is also comparable to what you enjoy. The Jimbaran beach attraction itself is one of the most popular and popular tourist destinations in the South Bali tourism area.

The dinner beachfront in Jimbaran is currently quite in demand by domestic and foreign tourists. The characteristic of the food at this Jimbaran beach attraction is grilled fish, be it red snapper, shrimp, clams, squid to lobster with selected spices with a distinctive taste that you cannot find in other restaurants or cafes.

Jimbaran itself is located in the South Kuta area, Badung Regency. Included in the South Bali tourism map, which has many interesting places to visit when you are on vacation.
